E&SD Volume 12 Issue 3 contents

This is the English language contents page for E&SD Volume 12(3)

John Cowan, Susi Peacock. Editorial: Treating peer review comments on submissions for publication in educational journals as feedforward 6
Alesha Baker, Tutaleni I. Asino. Impact of Professional Development on Technology Innovation Implementation by Ugandan Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study 19
Martin F. Lynch, Nailya R. Salikhova. Teachers’ Beliefs about the Needs of Students: Teachers as Local Experts (A Qualitative Analysis) 33
Verónica Moreno Oliver. Adaptations on training design and performing to answer the current context: the importance of C*M*A Alignment. 44
Oksana V. Polyakova, Liliya A. Latypova, Dilyana D. Sungatullina. The system of grant support to novice teachers as an impetus for lifelong learning: the case of the Republic of Tatarstan 54
Alina A. Shakirova. Students’ academic mobility provision in Germany in the context of education internationalization 62
Retractions and notices 74
Notes for authors 157