E&SD 12(4) December 2017

This is the English language contents page for E&SD Volume 12 (4)

Nick Rushby. Editorial 12(4): What do you want to be remembered for? 6
Alexandra S. Brykova. Teachers’ readiness to support students with special educational needs. 10
Leisan R. Munavirova. Issues of interaction of the components of the student teacher vocational and legal competence. 19
Nikolai P. Puchkov, Tatiana Yu. Zabavnikoba. Students’ self-development in modern technical higher educational institutions. 28
Valerya A. Stepashkina. Gaming as a technology in professional activity modelling. 35
Gulshat F. Shakirova, Elvira G. Sabirova. The use of educational websites and interactive platforms in teaching 6-8 year old children. 44
Nodira M. Egamberdyyeva. A comprehensive approach to the diagnostics of students’ moral education. 56
Notices and retractions. 66
Notes for authors. 79