Nowadays, the need to improve Internet accessibility brings the assessment of e-learning formats effectiveness to immediate attention of researches in inclusive higher education. This project aim was to understand the specifics of implementation of an… read more
Journal Volume Number : 19
Students’ Creativity: Possibilities of a Mixed Consortium Model
In the modern world almost any professional field requires specialists who possess innovative thinking skills, who can solve non-standard tasks, who can take a fresh look at their usual activities and offer breakthrough solutions. Such specialists are… read more
E&SD 18(1) March 2023
Dinara Bisimbaeva
The Structure Again! Common Mistakes in Writing the Discussion 6
Christabel Odame, Mrinalini Pandey
Emotional Intelligence Levels of IIT Students in India 10
Javad Boyer Hassani, Azizeh Chalak, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
Investigating… read more
The Structure Again! Common Mistakes in Writing the Discussion
One of the most frequent comments that the editors of Education and Self Development make at the stage of preliminary assessment relates to the Discussion chapter. This section is either not discursive or written superficially. In this editorial I want… read more
Emotional Intelligence Levels of IIT Students in India
Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been identified as a key competence that helps people to relate
with one another easily. As such, EI coupled with IQ makes one a star performer at the workplace.
Therefore, students need to possess both EI and IQ. For… read more
Investigating the Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Peer Feedback on IELTS Candidates’ Writing Development and Interactions
The present study investigated the effect of synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated
peer feedback on IELTS candidates’ writing improvement and interactions. In so doing, 132 IELTS
candidates from an English language center in six writing classes… read more
Post-graduate Training in the Competence Development of CLIL Teachers
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach has become one of the bilingual
education pillars worldwide. Its application often relies on quality instruction; therefore, careful
preparation of future CLIL educators will guarantee adequate… read more
The Philosophical Literary Story as a Model of Critical Thinking
This article focuses on a detailed review of philosophical literary stories which represent specific area
of the Philosophy for children programme primarily aimed at independent thinking development
in education process. The benefits of the programme… read more
Conditions for the “Easy” Entry of Novice Teachers into the Professional Activity
In recent of years, Kazakhstan has been taking systemic measures to improve the status of the teacher
and the attractiveness of the teaching profession, and to create certain conditions for retaining young
teachers in the profession. However, the taken… read more
Mechanisms for Optimizing and Updating the Content and Methodological Training of Future Primary School Teachers
The article presents a structural practice-oriented model of preparing a future teacher for an active
professional activity, taking into account the educational standards of primary general education,
based on practical forms of educational activity,… read more
The Role Structure of the Professional Activity of a Higher School Teacher in the Context of Digitalization of the Educational Environment
In the context of changing the paradigm of vocational training, teachers of higher education are
faced with new requirements related to changes in the content of the pedagogical process and new
functions that teachers need to master in the context of… read more
Technology for Assessing the Level of Competence Formation of a Graduate of Technical University
The main idea behind this research is to create and use a system for managing the quality
of university education based on criterion scoring and monitoring of professional student
development, the comparison of information received with the graduate… read more
Features of Self-regulated Learning of Male and Female Students
he effectiveness of activity depends on the ability to achieve the set goals, to realize personal
potential, and to maintain a high level of motivation. The research relevance is determined by the
differential psychological features of self-regulated… read more
Assessment of the Quality of Norm-Setting in the Educational System in a Modern School
The results of the educational process often cause criticism from the state, parental and pedagogical
communities and society as a whole. This is due to the fact that norms created at the institutional
level of the education system do not always allow… read more
Professional Competencies of Specialists in Economic Security Degree Programme
The problem of the formation of professional competencies of specialists in economic security is
caused not only by new technologies, but also by the transformation of existing spheres of professional
activity. Russian universities provide training economists… read more
Research the Future Teachers’ Digital Competence in the Context of Personality Pedagogy
The relevance of the study is explained by the digital transformation of society and the digitalization
of education, its opportunities and risks. The key idea of the research is to reveal the phenomenon
of students’ digital competence in the context… read more
Speech Portrait of Children of the Indigenous People of the North in the Process of Teaching Mathematics
The article presents a scientific description of the collective speech portrait of primary school
students in the process of teaching mathematics in rural educational institutions located in the
places of the indigenous people of the North, Siberia and… read more