In September 2023, in Slovakia a curriculum reform of primary and secondary schools, announced by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic in 2020, has entered in its pilot phase. In this phase first schools have started to teach according the new State Educational Programs, while from September 2026 all schools are expected to teach according to them. The paper presents the selected results of a cross-sectional survey research carried out in three regions of Slovakia with the aim to explore the opinions of parents on the technology curriculum. In each of the three selected regions two urban and two rural schools were involved in the survey research, i.e. parents of pupils attending the given schools were asked which thematic units in their opinion should be taught in technology classes. The collected data were analysed for the whole sample of the respondents, without any differentiation, and in dependence on the segmentation factors of the respondents, which were gender of their children (daughter or son, i.e. male or female) and affiliation of their children to the school they attended (rural school – urban school). The analyses were performed to find out possible significant differences among the results recorded for each of these sub-groups in dependence on the stated segmentation factors.