Alfiya Masalimova
Editorial: Common Authors Mistakes in Article Writing and Editors’ Advice on How to Avoid Them 6
Patrik Drid, Natalia Rudnova, Dmitry Kornienko
Positive Maternal Practices and Child Perceived Stress as Predictors of Child’s… read more
Year : 2024
Editorial: Common Authors Mistakes in Article Writing and Editors’ Advice on How to Avoid Them
Writing any scientific article is a labour-intensive process that requires compliance with certain stages, scientific format and clear logic of its presentation. In this section we will talk about frequent mistakes of authors, which we see in the articles… read more
Positive Maternal Practices and Child Perceived Stress as Predictors of Child’s Motor Persistence
Motor persistence is an indicator of executive functions that involve maintaining the components of intentional movement. Due to its all-or-none nature, motor persistence may be considered the most direct manifestation of inhibitory control as one of… read more
Perceived Discrimination and Self-assessment of Teachers in Slovak Ethnic Schools in Hungary
Education in one’s own mother tongue is one of the key areas for maintaining and developing one’s own language and ethnic identity of the Slovak minority in Hungary. The aim of the paper is to find out the degree of perceived discrimination of… read more
Parents’ Views on the Technology Curriculum
In September 2023, in Slovakia a curriculum reform of primary and secondary schools, announced by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic in 2020, has entered in its pilot phase. In this phase first schools have… read more
Insights from Online Learning amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Teacher Practices to Students’ Psychological Needs
Among the wealth of literature on distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers’ endeavors to meet students’ basic psychological needs remains under-explored. This study aims to fill this void by scrutinizing how teacher practices trigger… read more
Internal Structure of Adolescents’ School Motivation Measuring Tool
The main aim of this study was to examine the internal structure of a self-developed instrument “the adolescents’ school motivation measuring tool” instrument for use of adolescent school. Exploratory quantitative research approach, and its design… read more
Advancing an Integrative AI-assisted Adaptive Learning Environment for Teacher Education: Case of the BRICS Countries
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into teacher professional development (PD) is a promising way to enhance teaching practices and foster innovation in education. However, the development and adoption of AI-based educational platforms face unique… read more
Inflicting Risks of Teacher Education in BRICS Countries: Discussion in Search of Quality Training
Teacher training has been increasingly emphasized to improve the educational quality of a country and it is based on factors like inheritance and preservation of ethics of society, expectations of people, policy matters, and teachers. Teacher education… read more
Researching a Child’s Perspective of Experiencing Positive Feelings Through Photography and Interview
In the research article, we focus on research and data collection from the perspective of the child, where the latter is an active researcher. During the research, we sought to break the scientific effect of data collection, which can only be done through… read more
Using Exploratory Factor Analysis to Validate Students’ Independence Learning Scale in Indonesia
The advantages of learning to be independent are significant. As a result, creating an independent learning instrument for university students is necessary. This study constructs a new scale for measuring student independence, integrating theories of… read more
Development of an Instrument for Assessing the Effectiveness of Adolescents’ Experimental Activity Based on Solving Physics-Oriented Tasks
This article focuses on addressing the problem of enhancing the effectiveness of natural science education in schools, particularly in physics, by applying the principle of problem-based learning and designing lessons centered on experimental activity.… read more
Satisfaction of Medical Students with Distance Form of Practice Organization: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study focused on the assessment of medical students’ satisfaction with the organization of practical training in pandemic conditions through the identification of discrepancies between the conditions of the actual implementation of practical… read more
Taxonomic Model of Training of Future Teachers in The System of Social Partnership “Pedagogical University – Preschool Educational Organization”
According to the Concept of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Education Development” until 2030, in order to create advanced professional training of specialists, it is necessary to more fully use the mechanisms of social partnership,… read more
Participation of Russian Youth in Adult Education and Learning: The Role of Perseverance (GRIT) and Educational Status
Despite the expanding opportunities in adult education and learning (ALE) for young people, not all individuals take advantage of them. The paper aims to analyze the relationship between the educational status of young people and their parents, their… read more
Possibilities and Limitations of the Content of Programs Aimed at Developing Preschoolers’ Understanding of Emotions
There are many studies about the values and ways to develop a child’s understanding of emotions. This led to the design of a number of programs aimed at developing an understanding of emotions. Such programs have different content, often contradictory… read more
Exploring Social Perceptions of Friendship: An Intergenerational Perspective
This study presents a qualitative analysis of the concept of “friendship” as perceived by respondents aged from 6 to 64 years. The research aims to examine age-related characteristics in people’s understanding of friendship. The age groups… read more
Educational Video Blogging: Search for Meanings and Conceptualization of Concepts
The relevance of the study of educational video blogging is determined by the rapid spread of online learning technologies. Video blogs are embedded in online courses or are an independent educational product in the form of a teacher’s channel… read more
Migrant Students in Russian Schools: Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices
In the absence of state adaptive programmes, the key role in the inclusion of migrant children in the educational environment is assigned to the school teacher. The attitudes and educational strategies of the teacher are important competences for working… read more
Personal Factors Contributing to the Formation of Identity of Persons from Dysfunctional Families
A sense of one’s own identity is the main factor in the harmonious development of a personality. A person’s identity is formed in the process of social development of personality and is largely determined by the object relationships that… read more