E&SD 13(3) September 2018

This is the English language contents page for E&SD 13(3)

Roza Alexeevna Valeeva
Editorial: The International Forum on Teacher Education 2018 9
Nick Rushby
Colin Latchem obituary 12
Maria Popa
In Search of the Ideal Teacher – Students’ perspective 16
Elena Revyakina & Conor Galvin
Values, Imaginaries and Policy-Making for Teacher Education: insights from researching the Russian Federation context of reform, 2000-17
Errol Thompson
Teaching Computational Reasoning Through Construals 40
Doncho S. Donev
Emotional exchange in pedagogical communication using interactive methods 53
Мarinella I.Grudeva, Yordanka St. Dimitrova
Strategic guidelines for increasing the professionalism of lecturers in higher educational institutions 59
Lyubov A. Kochemasova
The social status of teachers in modern teacher education 66
Vladimir N. Mezinov, Svetlana V. Markova, Marina A. Zakharova
Development of personal responsibility in early years teachers in a competitive environment 78

Notes for authors