ePortfolios based on the practice in self-assessment, and self-reflection and self-regulation are viewed
as important tools in facilitating and supporting learner-centered environment at higher education.
This study explains how an electronic portfolio system was designed and used as a useful repository
for learning products to help instructors monitor in-service kindergarten teachers’ progress, provide
feedback and develop in-service kindergarten teachers’ self-assessment, and self-reflection and selfregulation
through the presentation of a detailed and ongoing short-term training program used as
a comprehensive measure to determine degree mastery in Department of Early Child Development
at Wenzhou University in China. The finding show in-service kindergarten teachers can be trained
to carry out authentic tasks associated with ePortfolio and reveals that instructors can improve inservice
kindergarten teachers’ skills by enhancing their motivation and inspiring their positive training
in the curriculum, such as building group cohesiveness and having positive learning experiences.