Education and Self Development Issue 43

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 43 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 43 with all of the articles and contents pages.
Redundant publication

It has come to the Editors' notice that a version of the article from Education & Self Development, 'Multidimensional approach to vocational education' by F.G. Yalalov, published in Issue 43 (June 2015) was published in the Herald of Adygeya State University at around the same time. This article in E&SD should have included a reference to the article by the same author in the Herald of Adygeya State University.

At that time, the instructions for authors in E&SD did not include require authors to " Confirm that their contribution is original and that is has neither been published previously nor is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.". Authors must now confirm this in their covering letter to the Editor-in-Chief when they make the submission;

Yalalov, F.G. (2015) Multidimensional approach to vocational education. Education &Self Development. Issue 43. pp69-73.
Yalalov, F.G. (2015) Multidimensionality content of vocational training. Herald of Adygeya State University. Series 3: Pedagogy and Psychology. №1
Redundant publication

It has come to the Editors' notice that a version of the following article from Education & Self Development, 'The ethnic continuity of cultural property in multicultural educational space university ' by N G Markov, published in Issue 43 (March 2015) was published in New in psychological and pedagogical research in 2006. This article in E&SD should have included a reference to the article by the same author in New in psychological and pedagogical research.

At that time, the instructions for authors in E&SD did not include require authors to " Confirm that their contribution is original and that is has neither been published previously nor is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.". Authors must now confirm this in their covering letter to the Editor-in-Chief when they make the submission.

Markov, N.G. (2015) The ethnic continuity of cultural property in multicultural educational space university, Education & Self Development. Issue 43, pp 183-192.
Markov, N.G. (2016) On the formation of culture of international relations students in a multicultural educational space of the university. New in psychological and pedagogical research. No 3.