E&SD Volume 12 Issue 1 contents

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This is the English language contents page for E&SD Volume 12 (1) (Issue 50)

Nick Rushby.
Editorial: The challenge of Dissernet 6
Mourat Tchoshanov, Maria Cruz Quinones, Kadriya Shakirova, Elena Ibrgimova and Liliana Shakirova.
Comparative analysis of mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in USA and Russia through
the lens of TIMSS results 23
Lira V. Artishcheva.
Personality correlates of the regulation of mental States of students 34
Ruslan N. Abitov.
Duolingo e-learning platform as means to intensify foreign language teaching at technical universities 45
M.L. Kuryan.
Students’ feedback: messages and implications 56
Zyamil G. Nigmatov, Gasangusein I. Ibragimov, Talent D. Bimahanov, Ildar T. Khairullin.
Using the traditions of the physical development of the Kazakh people in the patriotic education
of student teachers 64
Retractions and notices 74
Our Authors 88
Notes for authors 100