E&SD 14(2) June 2019

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  Volume Number: 14 | Issue Number: 2 | Pages: 1 - 118

This is the English language contents page for E&SD 14(2)

When first published in June 2019, the English language title of the article by Goryachikh М.V. and Troyan I.A. was incorrect. The correct title is:
The formation and development of students' academic mobility in V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
The Editors and publishers of the Journal wish to apologise to the authors for this error and the inconvenience it has caused.

Nick Rushby
Editorial: Fighting fake research................................................................................................ 6
Van Damme Jan, Bellens Kim, Tielemans Kelly, Wim Van den Noortgate
Do changes in instructional time, professional development of teachers
and age of students explain changes in reading comprehension at the country
level? An exploration of PIRLS 2006 and 2016...................................................................... 10
Yu Cheng Shen, Hai-Yan Nie, Yu Liu
Electronic Portfolio Architecture Based on Knowledge Support in Senior
Project Design............................................................................................................................. 32
Wioleta Danilewicz, Tomasz Prymak
Self-development in Old Age versus the Challenges of the Information Society:
The Polish-Bulgarian-Portuguese Perspective....................................................................... 44
Valeria A. Kapustina, Julia A. Berkasova
An integrative binary lesson as an example of innovative educational technologies
in a higher education ................................................................................................................ 55
Gilemkhanova E.N.
The relationship of socio-psychological security and academic performance
of the educational environment of municipalities................................................................ 68
Goryachikh М.V., Troyan I.A.
The formation and development of students' academic mobility in V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University............................................................................................................................ 79
Alexey M. Sivinskiy, Kambat K. Kulambayeva
Learning effectiveness and evaluation technology in school for hearing-impaired
children........................................................................................................................................ 92
Mezinov V.N., Zakharova M.A.
Teacher training for the development of social intelligence in schoolchildren..............105