The relevance of the study is due to the pedagogical needs to improve the effectiveness of training on the established disciplines that implement the basic requirements of the standards of the third generation. The article reflects the adaptation of information and communication technologies in modern educational process. The author reveals the concept of technology in the etymological level, addresses the issue of occurrence of technology in the practice of students' learning. The article presents every kind of the technology related to the type of information technologies in didactics and also focuses on the contents and scope of the smart - technology as a didactic concept. The aim of the article is to present the concept of "smart technologies" as a didactic concept and the selection of its essence and content. The author examines different points of view with respect to interactive learning tools, but we would also like to invite the reader attention to innovative tools. Examples of teaching tools, which are relevant today in "smart technologies" and are topical for the use in the classroom with students.