E&SD 16(2) June 2021

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  Volume Number: 16 | Issue Number: 2 | Pages: 1 - 184

This is the English language contents page for E&SD 16(2)

Nick Rushby
Editorial: The Shape of an Article 6
Amera Seifu Belayneh
Science Teachers’ Integrative Practices in Teaching, Research, and Community Services: The Case of Three Universities in Ethiopia. 10
Raed Zedan
Student Feedback as a Predictor of Learning Motivation, Academic Achievement and Classroom Climate 27
Ayesha Khatun, Babu George, Sajad Nabi Dar
Knowledge Management Practices in the Higher Education Sector with Special Reference to Business Schools 47
Andreja Istenic, Ivan Bratko, Violeta Rosanda
Pre-Service Teachers’ Concerns about Social Robots in the Classroom: A Model for Development 60
Ali Nawab, Nasima Zainulabidin
‘Satiating Hunger with Water’: Perceived Features of Professional Development for Teachers in Rural Pakistan 88
Olga A. Romanova
Competence-based Approach in Vocational Education and Training: Systematic Review of the Russian Literature 105
Nadezhda A. Avdeenko
Teachers’ Beliefs about Creativity and Its Nurture at School 24
Elena V. Kuznetsova
How do Students of Mathematics Relate to Their Learning? Research into Individual and Motivational Factors 139
Tatyana P. Budyakova, Angelika N. Pronina
Problems of Developing the Ecological Consciousness of Modern Schoolchildren 153
Daniya Z. Akhmetova, Ilona G. Morozova Maksim A. Suchkov
Ethno-Cultural Aspects of Inclusive Education Development in the Context of Globalization and Digitalization 165