Education and Self Development Issue 28

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 28 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 28 with all of the articles and contents pages.


The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Organizational and pedagogical preconditions for acquiring environmental and economic knowledge by school students in grades 6 to 9 by means of natural sciences ' by М.Т. Gafurov, & G.S. Samigullina, published in Issue 28 (December 2011) of the Journal has been retracted by the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to uncertainty about the contributions made by the two authors.

Гафуров М.Т., Самигуллина Г.С. (2011) Организационно-педагогические условия формиро¬вания эколого-экономических знаний учащихся 6–9-х классов средствами естест¬венно-научных дисциплин. образование и саморазвитие. 6 (6) c131-136.
Gafurov М.Т., Samigullina G.S. (2011) Organizational and pedagogical preconditions for acquiring environmental and economic knowledge by school students in grades 6 to 9 by means of natural sciences, Education & Self Development. 6 (6) pp131-136.

The following article from Education & Self Development, ' The experience of moral and civic education in the military and civil educational system of the USA ' by Makarova O.Yu., published in Issue 28 (December 2011) of the Journal has been retracted by the authors, the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of unattributed material from an earlier thesis written by Gilyazova, Diana Rustemovna.

Гилязова, Диана Рустэмовна, Развитие альтернативного образования в странах Британского Содружества (XX в.) (Диссертация)
Gilyazova, Diana Rustemovna, Development of alternative education in the countries of the British Commonwealth (XX century.) (Dissertation).
Макарова О.Ю. (2011) Опыт нравственного и патриотического воспитания в гражданской и военной образовательной системе США. образование и саморазвитие. 6 (6). c 201-206.
Makarova O.Yu. (2011) The experience of moral and civic education in the military and civil educational system of the USA. Education & Self Development. 6 (6) pp 201-206.