Education and Self Development Issue 24

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 24 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 24 with all of the articles and contents pages.


The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Technologies of developing professional competence of students majoring in sports and physical education' by Grigoryev A.P., published in Issue 24 (April 2011) of the Journal has been retracted by the authors, the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of unattributed material from two earlier theses written by Abramova, Valentina Vladimirovna, and Nikiforov, Nikita Vasilyevich.

Абрамова, Валентина Владимировна, Формирование профессиональной компетентности будущих учителей физической культуры (Диссертация)
Abramova, Valentina Vladimirovna, Formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical culture (Dissertation)
Никифоров, Никита Васильевич, Формирование профессиональной компетентности будущих педагогов-тренеров по вольной борьбе (Диссертация)
Nikiforov, Nikita Vasilyevich, Formation of professional competence of future teachers-coaches in free-style wrestling (Dissertation)
Григорьев А.П. (2011) Технологии развития профессиональной компетентности будущего специалиста в области физической культуры и спорта. . образование и саморазвитие. 6 (2). c116-120.
Grigoryev A.P. (2011) Technologies of developing professional competence of students majoring in sports and physical education. Education & Self Development. 6 (2) pp 116-120.