Education and Self Development Issue 23

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 23 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 23 with all of the articles and contents pages.


The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Conflict competency of a medical student ' by Rogozhnikova R.А., published in Issue 23 (February 2011) of the Journal has been retracted by the authors, the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of unattributed material from two theses written by Dzaraeva, Natalia Anatolievna and Motherland, Elena Alfredovna.

Дзараева, Наталья Анатольевна, Воспитание дисциплинированности у студентов 1-2 курсов медицинского вуза в педагогическом процессе как фактор формирования их конфликтной компетентности
Dzaraeva, Natalia Anatolievna, The upbringing of discipline among students of the first and second years of medical school in the pedagogical process as a factor in the formation of their conflict competence
Родина, Елена Альфредовна, Педагогические условия формирования коммуникативной готовности к школе воспитанников оздоровительного дошкольного образовательного учреждения
Motherland, Elena Alfredovna, Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative readiness for pupils of a health-improving pre-school educational institution
Рогожникова, Р.А. (2011) КОНФЛИКТОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯКОМПЕТЕНТНОСТЬБУДУЩЕГОВРАЧА образование и саморазвитие 6 (1).
Rogozhnikova R.А. (2011) Conflict competency of a medical student, Education & Self Development 6 (1). pp77-83

The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Setting up an experiment to test out the system of preparing engineering majors for research work ' by Gorshkova О.О., published in Issue 23 (February 2011) of the Journal has been retracted by the authors, the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of unattributed material from an earlier thesis written by Stavrinova, Natalia Nikolaevna.

Ставринова, Наталья Николаевна, Система формирования готовности будущих педагогов к исследовательской деятельности (Диссертация)
Stavrinova, Natalia Nikolaevna, The system for forming the readiness of future teachers for research activities (Dissertation)
Горшкова О.О. (2011) Организация эксперимента по апробации системы подготовки будущих инженеров к исследовательской деятельности. образование и саморазвитие. 6 (1). c 28-33.
Gorshkova О.О. (2011) Setting up an experiment to test out the system of preparing engineering majors for research work. Education & Self Development. 6 (6) pp 28-33.