Education and Self Development Issue 11

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 11 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 11 with all of the articles and contents pages

The following article from Education & Self Development, 'Linguodidactic peculiarities of developing fluent and continuous speech at an educational institution ' by G.Sh Sadykova, published in the Journal in 2009 has been retracted by the Editor in Chief, and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages from a textbook written by MT Baranov and others. published by Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy in 2001.

Методика преподавания русского языка в школе: Учебник для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений / М. Т. Баранов, Н. А. Ипполитова, Т. А. Ладыженская, М. Р. Львов; Под ред. М. Т. Баранова. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001. - 368 с.
Methods of teaching Russian in school: A Textbook for students. Supreme. Ped. Training. Institutions / MT Baranov, NA Ippolitova, TA Ladyzhenskaya, MR L'vov; Ed. M. T. Baranova. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p.
Образование и саморазвитие 4(1) c66-72
Sadykova G.Sh. Linguodidactic peculiarities of developing fluent and continuous speech at an educational institution Education & Self Development 4(1) pp66-72.
Redundant publication

It has come to the Editors' notice that a version of the article from Education & Self Development, Pedgogical opportunities of public resources in legal education by Snegireva Maria Vasilievna, was published in The Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University at around the same time. This article in E&SD should have included a reference to that other article.

At that time, the instructions for authors in E&SD did not include require authors to " Confirm that their contribution is original and that is has neither been published previously nor is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.". Authors must now confirm this in their covering letter to the Editor-in-Chief when they make the submission;

Снегирёва Мария Васильевна (2009) ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ РЕСУРСОВ В ПРАВОВОМ ПРОСВЕЩЕНИИ Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета. 2009. № 1. С. 64-68.
Snegireva Maria Vasilievna (2009) Pedgogical opportunities of public resources in legal education Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. 2009. № 1. pp 64-68.
Снегирёва Мария Васильевна (2009) ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ РЕСУРСОВ В ПРАВОВОМ ПРОСВЕЩЕНИИ Образование и саморазвитие. 4(1). С. 115-121
Snegireva Maria Vasilievna (2009) Pedgogical opportunities of public resources in legal education Education & Self-Development. 4 (1). pp 115-121,
Redundant publication

It has come to the Editors' notice that a version of the article from Education & Self Development, Technique and personality: interaction in socio-cultural space by Твердынин Николай Михайлович, was published in The Siberian Pedagogical Journal at around the same time. This article in E&SD should have included a reference to that other article.

At that time, the instructions for authors in E&SD did not include require authors to " Confirm that their contribution is original and that is has neither been published previously nor is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.". Authors must now confirm this in their covering letter to the Editor-in-Chief when they make the submission;

Твердынин Николай Михайлович (2009) ТЕХНИКА И ЛИЧНОСТЬ: ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ В СОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2009. № 1. С. 150-157.
Tverdynin Nikolai Mikhailovich (2009) Technique and personality: interaction in socio-cultural space Siberian Pedagogical Journal. 2009. № 1. pp 150-157.
Твердынин Николай Михайлович (2009) ТЕХНИКА И ЛИЧНОСТЬ: ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ В СОЦИОКУЛЬТУРНОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ Образование и саморазвитие. 4 (1). c.148-153.
Tverdynin Nikolai Mikhailovich (2009) Technique and personality: interaction in socio-cultural space Education and self-development. 4 (1). pp148-153.