Education and Self Development Issue 10

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 10 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 10 with all of the articles and contents pages.

The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Distance learning in the context of educational culture ' by R.R. Nasibullov, published in the Journal in 2008 has been retracted by the Editor in Chief, and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of an earlier article written by M.A.Abramova published in the Internet-journal "Eidos"

Абрамова М.А. (2000) Дистанционное обучение как показатель развития культуры сферы образования Интернет-журнал "Эйдос". - 25 апреля.
Abramova M.A. (2000) Distance learning as an indicator of the development of culture in the sphere of education Internet-journal "Eidos". - 25 April. Http://
Насибуллов P.P. (2008) ДИСТАНЦИОННОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ В КОНТЕКСТЕ КУЛЬТУРЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Образование и саморазвитие 3 (4) c50-54.
Nasibullov R.R. (2008) Distance learning in the context of educational culture Education & Self Development 3 (4) pp50-54.