Year : 2017

E&SD Volume 12 Issue 2 contents

This is the English language contents page for E&SD Volume 12 (2) (Issue 51)
Nick Rushby:
Editorial: Ethical authorship 6
Colin Latchem, Daria Khanolainen:
Open and distance lifelong non-formal learning for self-development: current practices and… read more  

E&SD Volume 12 Issue 1 contents

This is the English language contents page for E&SD Volume 12 (1) (Issue 50)
Nick Rushby.
Editorial: The challenge of Dissernet 6
Mourat Tchoshanov, Maria Cruz Quinones, Kadriya Shakirova, Elena Ibrgimova and Liliana Shakirova.
Comparative analysis… read more  

Education & Self Development Issue 49

This is the complete Journal Issue 49 with all of the articles and contents pages.
Spela Bagon, Andreja Istenic Starcic.
Attitudes towards inclusion by Slovenian teachers in the context of findings from other countries pp6-27
Marianne Friese.
Vocational… read more