Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into teacher professional development (PD) is a promising way to enhance teaching practices and foster innovation in education. However, the development and adoption of AI-based educational platforms face unique… read more
Keyword(s) : teacher education
Inflicting Risks of Teacher Education in BRICS Countries: Discussion in Search of Quality Training
Teacher training has been increasingly emphasized to improve the educational quality of a country and it is based on factors like inheritance and preservation of ethics of society, expectations of people, policy matters, and teachers. Teacher education… read more
Innovative Pedagogies and Role of Teachers for Quality Teacher Education in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s education sector has experienced substantial growth, with considerable investment and emphasis placed on teacher education. This qualitative research delves into the specific requirements and challenges faced by teachers in Saudi… read more
Building a Standards-Based Quality Assurance System for Teacher Education in China: Retrospect and Prospect
After entering the 21st century, a series of standards have been developed to build a standards-based quality assurance system for teacher education in China. The building of quality assurance system for teacher education has made some achievements,… read more
Dynamics of Career Orientations of Student Teachers: Interuniversity Study Results
One of the reasons for the shortage of teaching staff in various countries around the world is the problem of attracting young staff to schools and their rapid dismissal. This situation actualizes the issues of studying the motivational bases for choosing… read more
Transformation of the Content of Teacher Training in Russia in 1917-1941
This article examines the evolution of the content of teacher training in the period from 1917 to 1941. This problem is relevant because historical analysis of curricula helps to understand how the planning of the educational process took place and to… read more
Being, Becoming, and Belonging: Professional Identity of Teacher Educators
Teacher education plays an essential role in shaping the quality of education, and teacher educators are central to this process. The paper explores the personal and professional aspects that constitute the professional identity of teacher educators,… read more
How do Slovenian Educators feel about Gamification? Interested to Know More
Research examining teachers’ attitudes toward gamification is scarce, although attitudes play a critical
role in implementing a new pedagogical approach. The aim of this study was to understand whether
Slovenian educators are familiar with the concept… read more
Motivation in Teacher Education: The Forgotten Element and Its Snowball Effect
This research explores student teachers’ motivation to join teacher education and its relation to
their career intention to join the teaching profession. The qualitative study was conducted in the
English department of private and state teacher… read more
From Challenges to Opportunities: Reorganization of Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Post-Socialist Countries
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, there is no doubt that education researchers
will analyze the changes in teaching and learning over the years to come. There is no certainty that
new waves and variants of COVID-19 will not force humanity… read more
Post-Soviet Identity and Teacher Education: Past, Present, Future
Research into the historical background of ongoing global and national reforms is essential for the development of effective strategies, models and content of teacher education. Historical and anthropological research in education offers a good perspective… read more
A review of social robots in classrooms: Emerging educational technology and teacher education
The 21st century is the age of robots, an age in which we are witnessing the development of social
robots for education. In the future teachers will be required by the labour market to prepare students
for work with robotic technology and co-work and… read more
Strategic technologies for pedagogic education in universities
The purpose of this study is to identify a set of strategic and effective technologies of pedagogical
education in a university on the basis of the analysis of the problems of teacher training. The research
methodology is based on Hamel’s concept… read more
Cultivating ‘good’ practice or ‘best’ practice? Moralities for teacher education
This paper engages with the double meaning of ‘good’ in English. ‘Good’ can refer to the morally
correct choice, and it can also refer to high quality. The question then becomes whether these types
of ‘good-ness’ refer to the same thing in… read more
Development of competencies of L2 teachers in student teacher internships (competence area: teacher language in the classroom)
This evaluation study on tandem learning among future teachers of Russian in school-based
internships aims at examining the development of teacher language competences for institutional
Russian teaching. The focus is on development of competencies of… read more
Becoming a teacher in the United Kingdom in the 21st century
In this article I seek to explore how teacher education policy has been shaped and influenced by
political interventions. The main focus is on the UK, but I argue that this approach to teacher
education as a ‘policy problem’ is part of a… read more
Forming general cultural competences of future teachers when implementing an innovative model of teacher education
The relevance of the problem under investigation is due to the transition of universities to the GEF HPE, thus expanding the academic freedom of educational institutions and carrying out training on the basis of innovative educational programs (on the… read more
Distributed model of teacher education at Kazan Federal University
There is a need to modernize higher pedagogic education. The requirements for the content of schooling and higher education is changing quickly as scientific knowledge accumulate. Preparing a teacher for XXI century is an essential task for the present… read more
The model of teacher education as a form of implementation of the strategic academic unit
A teacher education study was conducted in the framework of SAE (Strategic Academic Unit). The aim of the study was to develop a model for bachelors (future mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and others) undertaking concurrent vocational teaching… read more