There are many studies about the values and ways to develop a child’s understanding of emotions. This led to the design of a number of programs aimed at developing an understanding of emotions. Such programs have different content, often contradictory… read more
Keyword(s) : preschool children
The State of Professional Development Programme of Specialists in Correction and Development Training Centres regarding the Assessment of Quality Education among Pupils with Severe Multiple Disorders in the Republic of Belarus
In 1999, the Republic of Belarus began to educate children with severe multiple disorders (SMD). For this purpose, new special educational institutions – correction and development training centres (CDTC) – were opened across the country. Curricula… read more
The Development of Cognitive Regulation in Connection with the Communicative Competence of Monolingual and Balanced Bilingual Children
Preschool age is the most favorable period for mastering languages due to a number of psychological factors. This is the age of potential children’s opportunities, the period of intensive development of language abilities. Therefore, an indispensable… read more