Education and Self Development Issue 36

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 36 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 36 with all of the articles and contents pages.


The following article from Education & Self Development, 'Principles of educational humanization at technology classes in secondary school' by Fyodorova Т.Т., published in Issue 36 (June 2013) of the Journal has been retracted by the Editor in Chief and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages of unattributed material from a number of earlier theses written by Sadovaya, Victoria Vladimirovna, Shaehov, Rif Gabdelahatovich, Chanysheva, Gulnara Gabdulhakovna and Galeeva, Raisa Mansurovna.

Садовая, Виктория Владимировна, Творческая самореализация учащихся в познавательной деятельности в условиях индивидуализации обучения. (Диссертация)
Sadovaya, Victoria Vladimirovna, Creative self-realization of students in cognitive activity in conditions of individualization of training. (Dissertation)
Шаехов, Риф Габделахатович, Индивидуализация познавательной деятельности учащихся национальной гимназии. (Диссертация)
Shaehov, Rif Gabdelahatovich, Individualization of the cognitive activity of pupils of the national gymnasium. (Dissertation)
Чанышева, Гульнара Габдулхаковна, Дидактические условия повышения качества речевой деятельности студентов в вузе. (Диссертация)
Chanysheva, Gulnara Gabdulhakovna, Didactic conditions for improving the quality of students' speech activity in the university. (Dissertation)
Галеева, Раиса Мансуровна, (20015) Взаимодействие школьной методической службы и ИПК как условие формирования творческого учителя. (Диссертация) Казань.
Galeeva, Raisa Mansurovna, (2005) Interaction between the school methodological service and the PKI as a condition for the formation of a creative teacher. (Dissertation) Kazan.
Федорова Т.Т. (2013) Принципы гуманизации в образовательной деятельности на уроках технологии в школе. образование и саморазвитие 8 (2). c158-162
Fyodorova Т.Т. Principles of educational humanization at technology classes in secondary school. Education & Self Development 8 (2). pp 158-162.