Education and Self Development Issue 30

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  Volume Number: 1 | Issue Number: 30 | Pages: To Be Advised - To Be Advised

This is the complete Journal Issue 30 with all of the articles and contents pages.

The following article from Education & Self Development, 'Perfecting the culture of self-education in a distance-education program at a higher school of social science ' by Rybakova A.I., Nikitina N.I., published in the Journal in 2012 has been retracted by the Editor in Chief, and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages from an article written by Nakedenina E. Yu., Nikitina NI and published in Uchenye zapiski RGSU. № 9.

Напеденина Е. Ю., Никитина Н. И. К вопросу о культуре самообразовательной деятельности студентов системы дистанционного обучения Ученые записки РГСУ. 2011. №9.
Nakedenina E. Yu., Nikitina NI To the question of the culture of self-educational activity of students of the distance learning system Uchenye zapiski RGSU. 2011. № 9.
Rybakova A.I., Nikitina N.I. (2012) Perfecting the culture of self-education in a distance-education program at a higher school of social science Education & Self Development 7 (2) pp.15-19.

The following article from Education & Self Development,' The issues of personal socialization in pedagogical theory and practice ' by A.N., Khuziakhmetov published in the Journal in 2012 has been retracted by the Editor in Chief, and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages from two theses:
• The thesis of Fedorov, Semyon Petrovich submitted in 2007, and
• The thesis of Shvetsova, Irina Georgievna submitted in 1997.
Швецова, Ирина Георгиевна. Социализация сельского школьника-подростка средствами народной культуры : диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук : 13.00.01. - Красноярск, 1997
Shvetsova, Irina Georgievna. Socialization of rural schoolboy-teenager means of national culture: the dissertation ... The candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01. - Krasnoyarsk, 1997
Федоров, Семен Петрович. Педагогические условия социализации сельских школьников в разновозрастных трудовых объединениях : диссертация ... кандидата педагогических наук : 13.00.01. - Казань, 2007
Fedorov, Semyon Petrovich. Pedagogical conditions of socialization of rural schoolboys in uneven-age labor unions: the dissertation ... The candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01. - Kazan, 2007
Fedorov, Semyon Petrovich. Pedagogical conditions of socialization of rural schoolboys in uneven-age labor unions: the dissertation ... The candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01. - Kazan, 2007
Хузиахметов А.Н. (2012) ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ В ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОЙ ТЕОРИИ И ПРАКТИКЕ Образование и саморазвитие 7 (2) c.121-127.
Khuziakhmetov A.N. The issues of personal socialization in pedagogical theory and practice Education & Self Development 7 (2) pp.121-127.

The following article from Education & Self Development, ' Describing the ideal «I» of teenagers aged 13 to 16 ' by Nikitina L.V., Simonova O.Yu., and Kisapov N.N., published in the Journal in 2012 has been retracted by the Editor in Chief, and the publishers Kazan Federal University, due to the inclusion of significant passages from an article written by LV Nikitina and published in European Social Science Journal. № 4 (7). Pp. 117-121.

Никитина Л.В. (2011) ОСОБЕННОСТИ НРАВСТВЕННЫХ ИДЕАЛОВ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ПОДРОСТКОВ European Social Science Journal. № 4 (7). С. 117-121.
Nikitina LV (2011) Features of moral ideals of contemporary adolescents European Social Science Journal. № 4 (7). Pp. 117-121.
Л.В. Никитина, О.Ю. Симонова, Н.Н. Кисапов (2012) ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ИДЕАЛЬНОГО «Я» ПОДРОСТКОВ 13–16 ЛЕТ Образование и саморазвитие 7 (2). c170-173
Nikitina L.V., Simonova O.Yu., and Kisapov N.N. (2012) Describing the ideal «I» of teenagers aged 13 to 16 Education & Self Development 7 (2). pp170-173.